KingLit Multipurpose Laravel CMS

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Jan 27, 2024

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Detalles del producto

KingLit is a responsive and user-friendly content management system (CMS) that is built using the popular Laravel Framework. With KingLit, you can effortlessly create attractive and contemporary websites that include various essential pages such as team member, about, partner, branch service, portfolio, news, shop, career, job, contact, FAQ, senior management, board of directors, and more. Whether you are looking to build an education website, lawyer website, financial website, consulting website, or even a gym and fitness website, KingLit offers the flexibility to cater to your specific needs.

This content promotes a CMS (Content Management System) that has been created using the well-known PHP framework, Laravel. As a result, it can be effortlessly tailored by other programmers who choose to use it. Furthermore, developers will find it easy to comprehend the source code, enabling them to modify the database or files as necessary. This user-friendly and customizable CMS has been designed with the needs of developers in mind.

Our script/CMS is highly secure against various vulnerabilities commonly found on the web, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. Additionally, we have implemented robust administrative level security wherever it is required. Rest assured; your website will be well protected with our reliable system.

Used Technologies

  • Laravel

  • Ajax

  • jQuery

  • Bootstrap


Front End URL

Front End URL:

Admin Panel Demo

Admin Login URL:
Password: 12345678

Customer Panel Demo

Customer Login URL:


Update History

You will get all the details about an update in this section:

Version 1.0

        - Initial Release

Installation, please follow the official Documentation

Server Requirements

Following modules must be activated on your server: If you are not sure about how to configure these settings, please contact your hosting provider.

  1. Minimum PHP version 7.4 or greater.

  2. Laravel >= 8

  3. BCMath PHP Extension

  4. Ctype PHP Extension

  5. FileInfo PHP extension

  6. JSON PHP Extension

  7. Mbstring PHP Extension

  8. OpenSSL PHP Extension

  9. PDO PHP Extension

  10. Tokenizer PHP Extension

  11. XML PHP Extension

  12. ZIP PHP Extension

Core Features
This CMS script has the following features:

Clean, Beautiful and Moder Admin Dashboard
100% Fully Dynamic Content
Easy and simple interface to use.
Fully responsive for any kind of device
Modern Design with Bootstrap
Clean and understandable coding
Secured coding against web vulnerabilities.
Direct access or invalid URL press stopped for each pages.
Email Setting with SMTP Configuration
Frontend & backing Dynamic Color management.
AI Chat Bot
Automatic telegram channel posting in the blog through telegram API.
Folder Management
Media Manager
User Management
Online Product Selling
Product categories
Offline (Bank) Payment Supported
PayPal, Chapa and Stripe Integration
Guest and Customer Checkout option
Shipping Cost Management System
Coupon Management System with Expiration and limitation
Customer account creation and verification
Customers forget password option.
Customer Panel Management
Invoice Print by Customer
Statistics of data in dashboard
Home page sections show and hide features.
Newsletter section with email confirmation system for subscribers
Email template management
Unlimited news category and post management
Unlimited news comment approval system
Unlimited photo upload and management
Unlimited video management with iframe code
Unlimited dynamic page management
Unlimited services management
Unlimited Branch management With Google Location
Unlimited Partner management
Job categories
Vacancy Posting & Job Application System
Unlimited Senior management
Unlimited Board Director management
Unlimited Saving Product management
Unlimited Loan Product management
Unlimited FAQ management
Unlimited Team member management
Unlimited Product management
Unlimited User Role Creation
Unlimited User Creation and Assign Role
Completed and Pending Order management.
Admin panel forget password option.
Automatic Database Backup through admin dashboard
Meta title and description setup for SEO purpose for each post, and more...

File Tree

  • 📁 KingLit Multipurpose Laravel CMS

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